2024-25 ETC Board Candidates

Incoming President (1 position available, 3 year term)

Dave Test HeadshotDave Test, Penn State
Dave is the Manager for Learning Space Technologies at Penn State, supporting the 400+ classrooms, labs, and collaboration spaces at the University Park Campus. Dave has served as Institutional Director for ETC since 2022.  He is a member of Penn State's Learning Space Leadership Committee, which guides strategy on classroom modernization, active learning, and teaching transformation.  In 2010 he helped cofound the Penn State MacAdmins Conference, an annual event for Apple systems administrators from around the world. Dave has presented at Educause, CCUMC/ETC, InfoComm, MacWorld, and MacIT. He is passionate about travel, photography, and vintage computing.

Statement of Interest:
I am honored to be nominated for the role of ETC President.  This organization has been a source of support, advice, friendship, and community for me for the past 20 years.  I was added to the mailing list in 2004, attended my first event in 2010, and have had the privilege of serving on the Board of Directors as an Institutional Director for the past two years.  Throughout that time, as my career has advanced and as the AV industry has evolved, this group has been there in lockstep, providing strong guidance on emerging technologies, universal design, diversity, equity and inclusion, professional development, and more.  Serving on the Board, I've seen first-hand ETC leadership's passion for this organization, and it has motivated me to run for the role of President.  We have a great future ahead of us, and that future depends on recruiting new institutional and corporate members, engaging and motivating current, longstanding, and lapsed members, and cementing ETC's place as the best community for AV and IT in education.  If elected, my focus will be on the continued growth and sustainment of this great organization, so that others can find their professional home in this industry just like I did so many years ago.

Secretary (1 position available, 2 year term)

John Pfeffer HeadshotJohn Pfeffer, University of Buffalo
I have worked in the higher education and k-12 audio-visual technology industry for the last 30 years.  At the University at Buffalo, I have served in multiple staff and leadership roles during my tenure.  From management of departments, course management systems, building construction projects, and countless learning space projects, just like all of you, it seems like I’ve done it all!

Statement of Interest:
I have been fortunate to have ETC as a community of peers and friends.  I still fondly remember the first CCUMC/ETC conference I attended in Cincinnati.  I was amazed at the level of professionalism while at the same time, admiring the family-like group that existed.  These were my people! 
Now it is my time to give back.  I have extensive experience serving on multiple non-profit boards over the last 20 or so years; including president of a volunteer fire department, treasurer to multiple little league organizations, advisory board member for nuclear waste disposal issues, and am currently the elected supervisor for my town.  I served on the 2019-2020 CCUMC/ETC election committee, and in 2010, the University at Buffalo hosted the CCUMC Annual Conference which I helped organize.  ETC is an amazing organization that I would be honored to serve as secretary, with your support!

Jeff Rhind headshotJeff Rhind, Suffolk University
Jeff is the Director of University Media Services at Suffolk University in Boston. His team of nine is a world-class, high-touch customer service and technical team that deliver excellence in rapid response assistance, training, and support to faculty, administration, staff and students in over 225 technology-enabled classrooms, conference rooms and event spaces across an urban campus of 9 buildings. He also provides consultation, planning, management and execution of on-campus and off-campus events usually coordinating multiple vendors. He has been working in higher-ed and technology for over 17 years bringing not only managerial experience to the team but also “boots on the ground” technical assistance experience. When not serving his University community, Jeff is an avid board gamer with a modest collection of about 100 games and has a penchant for progressive rock music from the 70’s and 80’s.

Statement of Interest: 
I am honored to have been nominated for the Secretary position on the ETC Board of Directors, as well as for the Secretary position. In my institution, our priority is customer service, followed closely by technology. I strongly believe that effective communication is crucial in our industry. Whether it is with clients, vendors, or colleagues, communication enables us to motivate, learn and improve.
By understanding how other colleges and universities accomplish their work through the free exchange of ideas in the use of technologies and pedagogies, we can incorporate those concepts, methodologies and equipment into our own work to become a better organization. As a leader, it is important to put oneself in situations that allow for personal growth and to empower one's team. I hope to contribute my experience and learn from the wisdom of others who work with the ETC in networking with higher education institutions across the country.

Institutional Director (2 positions available, 2 year term)

Scott Deetz headshotScott Deetz, Cedarville University
My name is Scott Deetz. I lived in Dayton, OH for the past 27 years. My wife and I moved to Dayton just 6 months after our wedding. Yes, that means I’ve been married for 27 years. After graduating from Cedarville University in 1991, I worked 5 years at a local TV station in Decatur, IL. After that we moved to Dayton so I could work for a rental and staging company. After 3 years there I found out about a new AV Technician position at Cedarville University. I served in that role for 1 and ½ years before being offered the AV Manager position. I have been in that role since then. Having worked in a technical role in one capacity or another since 1991, gives me an appreciation for the technology advancement I have seen during those years. Working in higher education for 24 years gives me a different appreciation working with faculty and staff that know technology and those that do not know technology.

Statement of Interest: 
I have been a part of ETC (formerly CCUMC) since my first conference in Kansas City in 2008 when my director “volunteered” me to present as part of a panel discussion. From that first conference, I knew that ETC was the place for me. I have enjoyed meeting new people each year and renewing the friendships from previous years. The networking with peers has been tremendous. I look forward to the conference every year.
I currently serve as a member of the Professional Development Committee. ETC has made some huge steps forward with the name change, policy change, adding committees, and thinking forward. I would love the opportunity to be a part of that and keep the organization growing. One aspect of ETC that I really enjoy is the way a university can have the same issues as others do no matter the size. It can be a university with 50,000 students or 2,000 students. Both the listserv and the conference allows us to share that knowledge with each other. I would love to share my knowledge with the board as we continue to move forward.

Cass Hall headshot

Cassidy Hall, University of Idaho
Cass Hall is the Manager of Collaboration & Classroom Technology Services (CCTS) at the University of Idaho, part of the Office of Information Technology (OIT). She manages a team of four full-time Classroom IT Analysts and seven part-time Classroom Support Specialists who oversee the development, installation, and maintenance of audiovisual technology in over 100 general university classrooms and collaboration spaces and nearly 90 departmental spaces and serve as the administrators of Zoom. Previously, Hall was the Director for the Doceo Center of Innovation + Learning and an Assistant Professor of Learning Technologies in the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences. Her research focused on technology integration in K-12 and higher education classrooms. Hall dedicated fifteen years to working in K-12 public education in Pennsylvania as a teacher, library media specialist, instructional coach, and technology coach, prior to relocating to Idaho to pursue a career in higher education. Her educational background includes an Ed.S. in Curriculum and instruction, a Master of Education in School Library and Information Technologies, and a Bachelor of Science in Broadcast Journalism.

Statement of Interest: 
I would like to be considered for the role of ETC Institutional Director. I appreciate the ETC community and am eager to contribute to the success of the organization. I currently serve as a member of the Program Committee and Resource Advisory Committee. I have attended multiple ETC (CCUMC) conferences over the years and presented on numerous occasions, and I enjoy all the experiences ETC provides for networking and learning, both online and in-person. I am passionate about participating in the sharing of knowledge that happens within ETC. This organization truly enriches my professional world. My experiences in higher education as a faculty member, director of an innovation center, and a manager in OIT, enable me to lend a unique perspective to the board. No doubt my 15 years as a K-12 educator, technology coach, and instructional coach also play a role. I have broad experience on committees and boards for the University of Idaho, professional organizations, and state and local organizations. Such service is my way of saying thank you.  I am enthusiastic about the prospect of serving this community of professionals. 

Mike Pedersen headshotMike Pedersen, Iowa State University
Mike Pedersen, the Audiovisual Experience Manager at Iowa State University since the summer of 2018, brings over 29 years of experience in the engineering industry, with a focus on the professional audiovisual (AV) sector for the past 24 years. Leading the Audiovisual Experience Team (AVXT) at Iowa State, Mike oversees the maintenance of AV systems in over 200 university classrooms and provides consulting, installation, and repair services across campus. The AVXT won the 2023 Higher Ed AV Team of the Year with Higher Ed AV Media.  Recognized as an expert in the field, he holds both Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) certifications in Design (CTS-D) and Installation (CTS-I), a distinction shared by only approximately 700 individuals worldwide. In 2018, AVIXA named him CTS Holder of the Year.  Mike currently serves as co-chair of the Membership Committee and a member of the Program Committee with ETC.  He also serves as the 1-year at large board member for HETMA and has previously held leadership roles in AVIXA including Chair of the Technology Managers Council and an elected member of the Certification Steering Committee.  Before joining Iowa State, he spent almost 19 years at Mechdyne Corporation, contributing to various roles including engineering manager, R&D, and pre-sales engineering. Outside of his professional endeavors, Mike actively volunteers in STEM education, serving on the governor's North Central Iowa Regional STEM Advisory Board. A 1994 graduate of Iowa State University, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with distinction and a minor in History.

Statement of Interest:
When reflecting on the collective experience of those of us engaged in higher education audiovisual work, the words that resonate most strongly are community and family. Throughout my extensive career, I've seldom encountered a more profound sense of belonging, a genuine tribal connection, a feeling that these individuals are unequivocally "my people." There exists a sincere desire among us to collaborate, support, and enhance our shared community.  In my view, that ethos of community and family finds its embodiment in ETC. The term "collaborative" embedded in its name is not arbitrary; it encapsulates the organization's essence. ETC has become an entity I hold dear. While it may be easy to take this culture for granted, the extent of cooperation within this vertical is truly extraordinary. Drawing on my over two decades of experience in commercial enterprises, I can attest that very few industries display such a high degree of collaboration. In many sectors, each company operates as an isolated entity, viewing similar entities as competitors rather than colleagues.
This realization fuels my desire to contribute and give back. Already engaged with both the Membership and Program Committees, I aspire to extend my involvement. As an institutional director, I believe that my leadership skills—marked by strategic thinking, meticulous organization, and adeptness with administrative intricacies—can be valuable assets for the organization. Moreover, I sense an opportunity to leverage my position to facilitate collaboration between ETC and other like-minded organizations. With substantial connections in entities such as AVIXA, HETMA, and MCUAV, I can serve as a bridge, fostering stronger ties between ETC and the broader higher education and professional audiovisual communities. It would be a genuine honor to contribute as an institutional director and serve our membership in this capacity.

Raiza Ramos-DeatherageRaiza Ramos-Deatherage, University of Central Florida
Raiza Ramos-Deatherage is currently the Procurement Specialist for the Office of Instructional Resources (OIR) at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL, where she has been employed since 2013. She began as an Office Assistant but quickly received a promotion to Office Manager where she collaborated with departmental staff, faculty, and students to ensure their questions were answered and needs met. In her current role, she works with multiple staff and suppliers within and outside the University, obtaining pricing and ordering classroom multimedia technology, ensuring the equipment arrives within the allotted deadline and before the start of any classroom / conference room / lab multimedia upgrade projects. She also collaborates interdepartmentally with the University’s procurement / purchasing / budgeting teams to assure OIR follows the University’s purchasing policies and procedures. She has served on multiple committees during her employment with OIR including her division’s social committee and her department’s hiring committee. Raiza has a BS in Biology as well as a graduate certificate in Education.
She has previous committee experiences outside of the University, including being a coordinator for merchandising for her local roller derby organization and holding multiple board positions for her alma mater’s residence hall association.
Outside of the University, Raiza has multiple hobbies, comprising of but not limited to softball, roller derby, art, and video gaming / streaming.

Statement of Interest:
Thank you for the consideration to serve on the board for ETC. I have known about this organization and UCF’s involvement in it for years. However, I never really understood how wonderful it truly is until I attended this past annual conference at USC. Upon attending, I soon came to realize the importance and benefits that this organization has. Experiencing the gathering of all these like-minded individuals spanning across multiple colleges, universities, and other AV outlets collaborating on potential alternatives or improvements to other issues within the AV/Multimedia world that we handle in our daily work environment is truly astonishing. I am confident that with this position I can share some different perspectives and knowledge based on my experiences and procurement background. I have an outgoing and charismatic personality, an attention to detail, and a willingness and drive to learn and to help others to the best of my abilities, which I believe would make me a good fit to serve on the Board of this respected organization and community. Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity.
Reach for the Stars. Go Knights!

Jeff Rhind headshotJeff Rhind, Suffolk University
Jeff is the Director of University Media Services at Suffolk University in Boston. His team of nine is a world-class, high-touch customer service and technical team that deliver excellence in rapid response assistance, training, and support to faculty, administration, staff and students in over 225 technology-enabled classrooms, conference rooms and event spaces across an urban campus of 9 buildings. He also provides consultation, planning, management and execution of on-campus and off-campus events usually coordinating multiple vendors. He has been working in higher-ed and technology for over 17 years bringing not only managerial experience to the team but also “boots on the ground” technical assistance experience. When not serving his University community, Jeff is an avid board gamer with a modest collection of about 100 games and has a penchant for progressive rock music from the 70’s and 80’s.

Statement of Interest: 
I am honored to have been nominated for the Institutional Director position on the ETC Board of Directors, as well as for the Secretary position. In my institution, our priority is customer service, followed closely by technology. I strongly believe that effective communication is crucial in our industry. Whether it is with clients, vendors, or colleagues, communication enables us to motivate, learn and improve.
By understanding how other colleges and universities accomplish their work through the free exchange of ideas in the use of technologies and pedagogies, we can incorporate those concepts, methodologies and equipment into our own work to become a better organization. As a leader, it is important to put oneself in situations that allow for personal growth and to empower one's team. I hope to contribute my experience and learn from the wisdom of others who work with the ETC in networking with higher education institutions across the country.

Dave Test HeadshotDave Test, Penn State
Dave is the Manager for Learning Space Technologies at Penn State, supporting the 400+ classrooms, labs, and collaboration spaces at the University Park Campus. Dave has served as Institutional Director for ETC since 2022.  He is a member of Penn State's Learning Space Leadership Committee, which guides strategy on classroom modernization, active learning, and teaching transformation.  In 2010 he helped cofound the Penn State MacAdmins Conference, an annual event for Apple systems administrators from around the world. Dave has presented at Educause, CCUMC/ETC, InfoComm, MacWorld, and MacIT. He is passionate about travel, photography, and vintage computing.

Statement of Interest:
As a current Institutional Director for ETC, I know that the life-blood of this organization is its members.  Recruiting, maintaining, and expanding our institutional membership is crucial to the future of ETC.  Working with the Board and with fellow members on initiatives like the regional events continues to motivate me to work for the benefit of this organization to ensure its sustainability and foster growth.  As our industry shifts to blur the AV/IT line even further, it's imperative that we provide the community and resources to our members to enable them to adapt and thrive in their own institutions, and if re-elected, my focus will be to continue our strategies for increasing membership, and to advocate for professional development opportunities that keep our members at the forefront of this industry.

Andy VogelAndy Vogel, The Ohio State University
I am Andy Vogel, a higher education professional with expertise in student-employee leadership, instructional design, AV, VR, and wellness strategies. I have worked in various roles across student life, academic units, and central IT at different institutions. I am pursuing my doctorate in Higher Education and Student Affairs at The Ohio State University. In my free time, I enjoy playing a subpar game of disc golf. You can check out my portfolio at u.osu.edu/Vogel.234.

Statement of Interest: 
I am thrilled to be nominated as an institutional director for the Educational Technology Collaboration. As an institutional director, I will contribute to developing and implementing innovative strategies that benefit students and educators. With my experience in higher education, including A/V, emerging technologies, and instructional design, combined with my academic background, I can make a meaningful impact in this role. Pursuing a Higher Education and Student Affairs educational doctorate complements my interests. I am excited about the prospect of being part of a team dedicated to advancing educational technology and improving the quality of education for all.

 Corporate Director (1 position available, 2 year term)

Steve Bogart headshotSteve Bogart, Atlona
I'm a seasoned technology advocate with a track record of achieving targets and building strong client relationships. With a background in system design, programing, and sales, I've built a natural ability to understand customer needs and provide a solution that solves the problem through technology. I pride myself on my communication skills and strategic approaches, which have helped me thrive in the industry we know and love of audio-visual education technology. I am passionate about an inclusive culture workplace where all voices are heard.  Outside of work, you will find me hunting, fishing, and spending time with my 3 grandsons.

Statement of Interest:
As a compassionate and experienced AV nerd I wanted to submit myself for consideration for the leadership position with ETC.  From my early days in college as a faculty computer trainer teaching word perfect and lotus-123, to my time as a control system programmer and system designer. to multiple manufacturing roles.  I bring a well-rounded background in the education space for audio visual technology.  I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you on how I can bring the voice of the manufacturer to the ETC organization and promote our industry.  I can be reached at [email protected] or 903-921-2290.

Joshua Joseph headshotJoshua Joseph, TEKVOX
Joshua Joseph is the Vice President of Sales at TEKVOX (Drop-In AV) an AV manufacturer offering factory built-to-order A/V systems for classrooms, conference rooms and more. His passion for guiding and providing institutions and businesses with streamlined strategic operations in their AV and technology journey has earned him respect among his colleagues and customers in the AV and Ed-Tech space.
His previous experience includes a high performing President’s Circle span at one of the top 15 system integrators in the industry. Joshua has a knack for providing top-notch service to his clients and partners while consistently striving to exceed their expectations. Producing purposeful results in the pursuit of excellence, two of his proudest projects thus far in his career has been providing HBCU’s (Prairie View A&M and Texas Southern University) their largest classroom AV technology refreshes in campus history. Combining for over 300 plus classrooms over the past 5-7 years. Promoting diversity in the A/V and Tech industry is at the core of every endeavor he decides to take on.
Joshua is also a member of the 100 Black Men Metropolitan Houston Chapter serving on the Technology Committee. A national mentoring organization where the motto is "What They See is What They'll Be". Representation is one of the main reasons he decided to pursue a C-Level position in the PRO AV Industry. Joshua also serves as an active member on the IDEA committee with ETC.
His most important duties among all are being a devoted husband and father of two teenagers. He’s also currently accepting donations for college tuition :o)

Statement of Interest:
I would like to express my sincere interest in joining the Educational Technology Collaborative Board as Corporate Director. Although I’ve only been part of ETC for a little under 2 years and an active member of the IDEA Committee for about a year, I feel like I’ve known some of the members forever. Attending my first ETC conference allowed me to witness an organization that strives daily to put real action behind their words. I’ve been working alongside educators and technology leaders with schools and institutions for over nine years and believe joining the board would be a natural progression of a mission I have carried since the beginning of my career.  The impact I can make through innovative and diverse strategies will allow me to help push the organization forward. As a board member my goal would be to bring in a different set of lenses. I’ve been on both the integration and manufacturing side of higher education technology solutions. I have a clear understanding of both sides of the industry and have experience fulfilling the needs of technology leaders as part of the corporate sector.

Shay Lynch headshotShay Lynch, QSC
My journey began as an AV support technician at Keene State College, where I honed my skills in addressing technological challenges within an educational setting.
Years later, I assumed the role of AV Technologist Supervisor at Southern New Hampshire University, supporting events and conference room technologies. My commitment to advancing educational technology continued at Bentley University, where I served as the Manager of Campus Presentation Technologies. In this capacity, I contributed to the development of support plan models during the COVID-19 Pandemic as well as overseeing the seamless integration of audio-visual technologies.
My commitment to professional growth is reflected in my pursuit of AV certifications from multiple manufacturers, attesting to my proficiency in navigating diverse technological landscapes. Additionally, I earned an MBA with a concentration in Leadership from Bentley University.
Currently, I serve as the QSC Business Development Manager for Higher Education in the Northeast, leveraging my expertise to support and enhance technological infrastructure in academic institutions.

Statement of Interest:
As a seasoned professional in the realm of higher education technology, I have evolved into a multifaceted individual, embodying roles as a tinkerer, problem solver, teacher, and a leader. In 2015, I attended my first CCUMC conference in Pittsburgh, PA. Today, I proudly serve as the Co-Chair for ETC's Professional Development Committee where I help lead the organization of Connecting in the Cloud Roundtable discussions and work closely with the Interest Group Leaders.  
My journey is a testament to my passion for fostering innovation and excellence in higher education technology and it is my personal mission to collaborate and learn alongside my peers in the pursuit of a future where higher education is not just accessible but also redefined by the seamless integration of technology. I am honored to be a part of such a great community and am excited for this opportunity to serve as your Corporate Director.

Richard Mitchell headshotRichard Mitchell, Biamp
Richard Mitchell, a seasoned AV professional with 18 years in higher education (12 years specific to in the AV sector) currently serves as the Higher Education Solutions Manager at Biamp. His expertise encompasses leading numerous higher-education AV projects and contributing significantly to classroom standardization initiatives. Richard is Co-Chair of the Educational Technology Collaborative (ETC) Membership Committee, demonstrating his commitment to advancing educational technology.
Beyond his professional endeavors, Richard enjoys family activities, collecting classic gaming consoles, and indulging in classic monster movies. In his role as Biamp's East Coast Education Solutions Manager, Richard brings a wealth of experience and a profound understanding of the intersection between AV technology and education, making him a driving force in shaping the future of educational AV solutions.

Statement of Interest:
In addition to his role at Biamp, Richard aspires to contribute strategically to the future of ETC by becoming a corporate board member. Leveraging his background in higher education and AV manufacturing, Richard aims to broaden ETC's membership base, facilitating meaningful connections between educational institutions and corporate entities. His vision includes enhancing engagement opportunities for educational members while providing unique avenues for corporate members to interface with university-level integration, design, management, and support, not to mention learning and innovation teams. Richard's strategic leadership and collaborative approach aim to strengthen the bridge between academia and industry, propelling ETC to new heights of influence in the dynamic realm of educational technology.

Jimmie Singleton headshotJimmie Singleton, CDW
Jimmie Singleton has been in the AV industry for eight-plus years and served 4 of those years in higher education. Two of those years were spent as Manager of Learning Environments at the University of Southern California. He now serves as the Pro AV Strategist at CDW-Education, where he helps colleges and universities across the nation with redefining their learning spaces to meet the continually evolving needs of faculty and students. In his time in higher education, he was named a member of Commercial Integrator’s “40 Influencers Under 40” list as well as a winner of the AV Awards “AV Service Team of the Year” award. 

Statement of Interest: 
From my time served working directly in higher education to now working with institutions from a corporate perspective, I have always been deeply interested in finding ways to make education more exciting and effective for students through technology. This passion continues to drive my dedication to the vertical and ensures that I am doing right by the institutions that are directly affected by the spaces we design and build. As a corporate director of ETC I would look for ways to make corporate sponsorship of the utmost value to our corporate partners and ensure that those partnerships effectively help all of our higher education members.