Regional Events and Information

ETC offers a wide array of regional events that aim to bring together the local community to create awareness for ETC throughout the country. The guidelines below will help you understand what to expect if you would like to host an event:
- An ETC Institutional Member must either host the meeting or serve as a liaison between the host and ETC.
- Host institutions must leverage local institutions in the surrounding area to drive participation in the Event beyond the host school.
- Host institutions will work with the Executive Director’s office and the Events Committee. The committee will share information and guide hosts through all the planning steps to help manage the workload on the institution.
- Regional Events will be a single day or half-day, and will focus on a topic relevant to our profession and the host institution. Examples from past Regional Events will be provided as a guide to help frame your Event.
- Requests from a given person/group/locale will be approved for no more than once per year.
- ETC Corporate Members are invited to sponsor a Regional Event, as well as participate in the meeting as an attendee or a presenter.
- A request to host regional events must have at least 3 months lead time to facilitate planning and availability.
- The Event host will ensure attendees know ETC is sponsoring it. The ETC logo will be included in all promotional materials about the meeting. ETC’s Executive Office will provide ETC informational materials for distribution at the Event.
- Within four weeks of the Event, a report should be submitted to ETC’s Executive Office with the following:
- The reimbursement request form and documentation (receipts) to substantiate the reimbursement.
- A brief report describing the meeting including any associated materials, if applicable (program, schedule, etc.). An attendee list including, at a minimum, the names and affiliations of each attendee.
ETC will assist with securing up to 5 corporate partnerships for each Regional Event. Additional partnership opportunities can be coordinated with the host to take place before or after the Event.