Committee and Chair Guidelines

General Guideline for Committees and their Chairs
Committees, either standing or non-standing, are established by the board based on a perceived need for an ongoing study/work group on behalf of the entire membership.
General Description
- A group of members delegated to consider, investigate, take action on, or report on some matter which is of interest to the entire membership.
- Standing committees are considered to be those groups which are in existence as a result of the organization's Bylaws and continuing until the Bylaws are amended.
- Non-standing committees are considered to be those special committees which are established by the board.
Chairperson appointed by president for 2-year or 3-year term, as applicable. (Terms are staggered so all committees do not have new chairs at the same time.
Members appointed by president in consultation with chairperson. Members are appointed for 1-, 2-, or 3-year terms.
As many members as necessary who have made a commitment of time and effort to undertake the business of the committee.
Ongoing. May be disbanded by board when the committee is no longer perceived as useful to the entire membership. If a standing committee is to be disbanded, the Bylaws must be amended.
When the chairperson is not a member of the board and the chairperson has not been a member of the committee immediately prior to being appointed as chairperson, the president will appoint a member of the board to serve as a liaison between the committee and the board.
Responsibilities of Chairs
- A two- or three-year commitment as chair
- Coordination of efforts toward completion of all activities planned for the year
- Preparation and submission to president of a report of activities toward completion activities prior to each board meeting
- Preparation and submission to the president of plan of work for the next fiscal year
- Preparation and submission to the treasurer of a budget for the next fiscal year
- Preparation and submission of information for the annual report as requested by the executive director in June.
- Committees generally produce a product(s) on a regular basis that is distributed to the entire membership and/or to external audiences. (All materials should adhere to guidelines established by the Publications Advisory Board to ensure a consistent graphic identity for the organization.)
- Other one-time products may be produced as approved by the board.
- The chairperson will complete and submit to the treasurer, in June, a budget request for any committee expenses anticipated for the new fiscal year.
- The chairperson will complete and submit to the president, in June, a plan of work for the new fiscal year.
At the conclusion of their term, the chairperson will provide all information concerning past activities to their successor. If a successor has not yet been identified all information concerning the group's activities will be forwarded to the president.